Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 1: Get Phô-ed

I'd like to start out this blog like I start out everything else in my life. With an epic fail. I am already in day 6 (now 7 since it's after midnight) of my 24 days and have yet to write a single blog entry. It's literally taken me this long to think of a blog title and domain name. And I ended up with If that is not an epic fail I don't know what is. The only thing saving my fragile ego right now is the knowledge that, although I have not been blogging, I have been successfully checking at least one thing off my list every day. If you know me, you also know this is a great accomplishment, considering I don't like to wake before 11 and I don't like to eat breakfast before noon. But that was the Old Lauren. Have you met the New Lauren yet? She enjoys getting up (slightly) earlier, doing some Wii Fit, and eating egg-white omelets. New Lauren gets things done. New Lauren needs to stop talking in the third person.

Let's get back to business. As I am trying to accomplish at least one thing every day, each day will receive it's own blog post. I have some catching up to do, but thanks to having no set plans (for tomorrow or life in general), I think I can do it fairly soon. Let me think back to the beginning..........Friday, February 5th, 2010. Yes, I know, that was like 6 days ago. I had just returned to Monterey the previous day, after a long (but fun!) stay in Oregon. Eager to get back to SF and begin The List, I packed my stuff, kissed my cat goodbye, told my dad I'd see him in a month, and got on the road. I arrived in San Francisco hungry, tired, and hopeful. I called up my girl Poison Ivy* (aptly nicknamed for her love of all things nature-related) and asked if she would be down to get some phô (pronounced "fa"). Phô is a Vietnamese is a noodle soup with lots of good shit in it. Like meat. And vegetables. That's about all that's in it, actually, but Poison Ivy (PI) had mentioned how delicious it was more than once.** I picked her and her lovely sister up and went straight to Turtle Tower on Geary and 21st. I had barely touched the menu, when our waiter arrived. Without hesitation PI began, "We'll have 3 Number 6s with beef." And then the menu's were gone. Shortly after that we were served 3 huge bowls almost overflowing with broth-y-goodness.

There is nothing like a Sriracha Smiley!

You eat this dish with a set of chopsticks and one of those funny-looking spoons. It was messy to say the least, and to say the most, I had phô stains on my shirt (these boobs catch everything). It was pretty tasty, PI and her sis scarfed theirs down, while I ate about half and took the rest home for later snacking. I always get in trouble for not eating fast enough when I go out to restaurants. My friends have definitely deemed me The Slow Eater. Personally I do not see this as a bad thing, unless for some reason I'd be entering a hot dog eating contest against these guys. And with that mental image, I bid you adieu.

*Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent
**I just really love asterisks